
    Montgomery, Lucy Maud.
    A tangled web [Текст] / Lucy Maud Montgomery. - Kyiv : Znannia, 2020. - 398 p. - (American Library ; № 12, 2018). - Текст: англ. - ISBN 978-617-07-0750-5 : 33.74 грн
Переклад назви: Заплутане павутиння
ББК 84(7КАН)6-44
Рубрики: Художня література--Канада, 19-20 ст.
   Канадська література, 19-20 ст.

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
канадська художня література -- канадська література -- канадські романи
Анотація: “A Tangled Web” is one of the few books for adults written by a Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1924) famous for her children’s bestseller “Anne of Green Gables”. The proposed novel is equally interesting and catching. It is full of intrigue, at the same time it depicts the life as it is when tragic and comic things ever go side by side. It is a story of a big clan where over three generations sixty Penhallow family members married sixty Darks having made a tangled web of relations and emotions.

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