Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 2/T87
Автор(и) : Trussell, Richard Curran
Назва : Study Guide to Accompany Experiencing the World's Religions . -2nd ed.
Вихідні дані : Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002
Кільк.характеристики :228 p.
Примітки : App.: p. 227-228. - ІРЦ "Вікно в Америку"
ISBN, Ціна 0-7674-2046-2: 024.00 грн
УДК : 2
ББК : 86.3
Предметні рубрики: Релігія
Географіч. рубрики:
Анотація: Religion is one of the most significant efforts to answer the most profound questions of human existence. Where do we come from? What should we do while we are here? Why is there so much suffering and pain in life? What is our ultimate destiny and how do we get there? Religion serves many human needs by helping cope with tragedy, by giving hope for practical benefits or blessing, and by drawing us into a community through which we can accomplish things we could not do on our own. Religion has inspired much of the greatest art in history and reflects our sense of wonder about ourselves and the universe.
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Вільні : ІН(1)
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