(Вільних примірників немає)
Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 908(73)/J67
Автор(и) : Johnson, Lance
Назва : What foreigners need to know about America from A to Z: how to understand crazy American culture, people, government, business, language and more
Вихідні дані : Los Angeles, Calif.: A to Z publ., 2012
Кільк.характеристики :XXII, 592 с
Примітки : Текст: англ. - App.: p. 551-566. - Ind.: p. 567-590
ISBN, Ціна 978-1468172362: 80.00 грн
УДК : 908(73)
ББК : 26.890(7ША)
Географіч. рубрики: США-- Країнознавство
Анотація: This unique book paints a revealing picture of America and its people for those foreigners who will benefit from a better understanding of America. It will also inform Americans who want to learn more about the U.S. and how it compares to other countries around the world. World traveler and teacher Lance Johnson studies cultural differences and the difficulties foreigners have understanding crazy America, as some call it. Foreigners might come to the U.S. to work for American employers, to open branch offices or factories for their homeland employers, to start their own businesses, or go to school.
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ЖОУНБ ім. О. Ольжича