Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 821.111(73)/R84
Автор(и) : Roth, Philip
Назва : Sabbath`s Theatre . -1st Vintage International ed.
Вихідні дані : New York: Vintage Books, 1996
Кільк.характеристики :451 p.
Примітки : ІРЦ "Вікно в Америку"
ISBN, Ціна 0-679-77259-6: 055.00 грн
УДК : 821.111(73)
ББК : 84(7США)
Предметні рубрики: Художня література-- Проза --США, 20-21 cт.
Географіч. рубрики:
Анотація: Sabbath's Theater is a comic creation of epic proportions, and Mickey Sabbath is its gargantuan hero. Once a scandalously inventive puppeteer, Sabbath at sixty- four is still defiantly antagonistic and exceedingly libidinous. But after the death of his longtime mistress- an erotic free spirit whose adulterous daring surpassed even his own-Sabbath embarks on a turbulent journey into his past. Bereft and grieving, besieged by the ghosts of those who loved and hated him most, he contrives a succession of farcical disasters that take him to the brink of madness and extinction.
Примірники :ІН(1)
Вільні : ІН(1)
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