Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 821.581=111/H11
Автор(и) : Ha Jin
Назва : Waiting . -1st Vintage International ed.
Вихідні дані : New York: Vintage Books, 2000
Кільк.характеристики :308 p.
Серія: National Book Award Winner
Примітки : ІРЦ "Вікно в Америку"
ISBN, Ціна 0-375-70641-0: 035.00 грн
УДК : 821.581=111
ББК : 84(5КИТ)
Предметні рубрики: Художня література-- Проза --Китай, 20-21 cт.
Географіч. рубрики:
Анотація: Every summer Lin Kong, a doctor in the Chinese Army, returns to his village to end his loveless arranged marriage with the humble and touchingly loyal Shuyu. But each time Lin must return to the city to tell Manna Wu, the educated, modern nurse he loves, that they will have to postpone their engagement once again. Caught between the conflicting claims of these two utterly different women and trapped by a culture in which adultery can ruin lives and careers, Lin has been waiting for eighteen years. This year, he promises, will be different.
Примірники :ІН(1)
Вільні : ІН(1)
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