L 86

    Lopez, Barry Holstun.
    Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape [Текст] / Barry Holstun Lopez. - New York : Vintage Books, 2001. - 464 p. - (National Bestseller). - Not.: p.417-420. - Maps: p. 421-426 . - App.: p. 427-444. - Bibliogr.: p. 445-448. - Ind.: p. 449-464. - ISBN 0-375-72748-5 : 040.00 грн
ІРЦ "Вікно в Америку"
ББК 84(7США)-46
Рубрики: Художньо-документальна література--Проза--США, 20-21 cт.
Есе -- Эссе
Аннотация: The masterpiece of one of the most widely acclaimed writers working today, "Arctic Dream" is an unforgettable study of the Far North, the marvelous and mysterious land of stunted forests and frozen seas, of muskos and narwhal, where sunrise and duck are seasonal rather than daily phenomena.

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