
    Vitkus, John.
    Casebook in Abnormal Psychology [Текст] / John Vitkus ; prep. by John Vitkus. - 4th ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 1999. - 261 p. - Ref.: p. 229-261. - ISBN 0-07-303473-8 : 027.00 грн
ІРЦ "Вікно в Америку"
ББК 56.14 + 88.48
Рубрики: Психіатрія
   Медична психологія

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Гіпноз -- Hypnosis -- Алкоголь -- Alcohol -- Алкогольна залежність -- Alcohol Dependence
Анотація: Casebook in Abnormal Psychology, Fourth Edition consists of 14 case histories based on material supplied by psychiatric professionals. The presenting symptoms were actually observed, and the therapeutic techniques were actually administered. To maintain confidentiality,information that could identify individuals has been changed. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental.

Утримувачі документа:

Дод.точки доступу:
Vitkus, John \prep.\
Примірників всього: 1
ІН (1)
Свободны: ІН (1)