
    Doremus, Thomas L..
    Classical Styles in Modern Arhitecture [Текст] / Thomas L. Doremus. - New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994. - 168 p. : il., phot. - Ind.: p. 161-168. - ISBN 0-442-01666-2 : 050.00 грн
ББК 85.11
Рубрики: Архітектура
Кл.слова (ненормовані):
модернізм -- модернизм -- класицизм -- классицизм
Анотація: In Classical Styles in Architecture, acclaimed arghitectural theorist Thomas L. Doremus has avoided jargon and arcane language to provide a clear examination of the ways in which modernism is different from classicism. At the same time he demonstrates how each can be accommodated in contemporary life.

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